Writer/Director: Koichi Kashiwaya  柏屋幸一 https://www.midlandki.org/kashiwaya.html


Koichi Kashiwaya, a professional Aikido Instructor, 8th degree black belt, was born in Yamagata, Japan.

He moved to US in 1977 to teach Aikido in US, Canada, Brazil and Austraria.

This is his first feature film, written and directed.

Director Statement

I have been a professional Aikido Instructor for nearly 50 years, but I have not seen an Aikido film that represents the essence of Aikido. So I decided to produce it.

It was challenging for us to make an Aikido based drama with mixture of action fantasies. Because of the pandemic, it took us over 3 years to complete.

Hopefully, my audience understands Aikido better and enjoy as an entertainment.